Questions and answers
Between 2021 and the beginning of 2023, I was allowed to ask questions via the medium Gerold Voß to Ascended Masters in the 7th dimension, all of whom had previously had experiences on Earth or at least on Earth-like planets in the 3rd dimension and then at some point ascended to higher dimensions. The best-known example at present is Jesus Sananda, who projected himself spiritually from the 5th dimension into the 3rd dimension after the death of his 3D body on the cross and was able to continue working. Jesus evolved after a relatively short time and is now also in the 7th dimension, from where he continues to work for the earth as the guardian of the magenta-coloured ray of all-encompassing love and harmony.
(A very good summary of the twelve most important Ascended Masters can be found on Gerold Voß's website: https://kristallfamilie.de/kontakt-mit-der-geistigen-welt.)
Enclosed is a picture of St Germain, who lived on 3D Earth a short time ago and is now responsible for the violet ray of transformation and freedom as an Ascended Master. He has answered most of my questions.
Questions and Answers from the 7th Dimensional Ascended Masters
After an introduction from me, St. Germain speaks about the Christ energy 2000 years ago and also earlier. He also provides information about higher dimensions and answers further questions.
[15':00" video with subtitles]
Embedded in my guide to DIY copper tube pyramids, St. Germain talks about 6 minutes about pyramids that are today heritage and traces of Atlantis.
[13':02" video with subtitles, English PDF]
A short saying of the Ascended Master Confucius from the book "Become an open channel" by Karin and Gerold Voß and Sanat Kumara. I recite it every day.
[0':35" video with subtitles]
In close coordination with St. Germain, the video "Water revitalization with pyramids vs. other revitalization methods #pyramid water" was produced with a great deal of personal and time effort.
St. Germain: Where are we after the death of our 3D bodies? What are body, mind and soul? Religion
St. Germain on elves and dwarves, the colonization of the moon and mars, and the wearing of quartz necklaces
Free energy on the roof (outlook); Eye damage from light sources; May you lie? - St. Germain
Atlantis and Lemuria; Science and Esotericism; Life on other planets; UFOs - St. Germain
Do homeopathy and Bach flowers work? - Answer from St Germain by Gerold Voß #Essences #Alternative medicine