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Where are we after the death of 3D bodies? Religion - St. Germain

(mhs:) When a person dies, a 3-dimensional person, does he then briefly enter the 5th dimension and continue to be effective from there or... Where is the person? In an intermediate realm, yes, but where?

(St. Germain:) Where? Right next to you. It is a plane close to the earth, so to speak, but separated as if by a veil. It is the astral plane, in which the spirit beings of people are, so to speak, and in which they also have contacts and in which they experience all the things that were not dealt with in life again, in order to then move on completely purified. What you call the so-called hell or limbo is this astral world. It is the world in which purification takes place, in which clarification takes place, in which the astral body is freed from all the burdens of life, in order to then move on freed and reorient itself.

(mhs:) We humans know what the body is? But what are the spirit and soul?

(St. Germain:) Yes, people don't even know what the body is. And they haven't known what spirit and soul are for a long time. These are terms for something that they assume is there, but that they don't really know. From the entire development of humans, I can tell you that the body is, so to speak, the last instrument that is needed to act appropriately on a planet like Earth and to express everything else that is there. The body is, so to speak, the expression of an inner force that consists of several levels. And the level that comes next after the physical body is the astral body, which is something like the blueprint of the outer body. It is the same part that separates from the outer body the moment the body is no longer viable and then lives on in the astral world. And besides the astral body, there is a next level, the emotional body, in which all feelings, all things that a person has ever experienced are stored and from which certain impulses come. And in addition to the emotional body, there is also the mental body, which contains the spiritual essence, so to speak, which is why all of these bodies came into being and why you carry many, many parts within you, from the spiritual level to the material level, which make your expression here on earth possible. But the origin of everything that you are is the mental body.

(mhs:) Description of the lower dimensions up to the 5th from the perspective of the 7th dimension: I would like to know where the devil, Satan and Lucifer work. Is Lucifer also incarnated, i.e. are there parts of his soul, or is he just the guardian of the 3rd dimension?

(St. Germain:) All of these are mental constructs because people want to explain the good and bad sides of this planet to themselves. It is simply the case that these spiritual forces can no longer work in the 5th, 7th and other dimensions as they do in the 3rd. In the 3rd you have duality and in the 3rd you have clear boundaries due to duality. This clear boundary leads some people to evaluate the good and the bad accordingly. And from these evaluations, thought constructs such as the devil, Lucifer and the like have arisen. In the end, all of these forces that work with and on the earth are spiritual and mental forces of light, including those that you now associate with darkness, so to speak.

(mhs:) Is one of my goals in life to found a new religion? What can you say to me about that?

(St. Germain:) Better not. {Laughter.} The founding of religions has always led to great conflicts in this world. And personal development has nothing to do with the external situation of religions, but rather has something to do with the mystical part, with the inner part of all religions that have ever existed. And it makes absolutely no difference which initial path you take, which religion you begin with to pursue your research, you will ultimately arrive at a mystical point where you yourself experience and feel the inner truths within yourself.

(mhs:) That means that individuals progress nicely and slowly even without external influence - now?

(St. Germain:) Yes. It always progresses. But the development of humanity does not depend on religions per se, but rather on the personalities who engage with religion and go their own way through religious experiences.

{Answers to questions during a channeling of St. Germain by Gerold Voß (}

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