The Energy of Christ - Channeling from St. Germain
I am the "I am". I am St. Germain. I send you my warmest greetings.
And the energies that are in this world, the energies that come from the spiritual, are mainly the energies of creativity, the energies of something constantly developing, of life constantly emerging, of something new constantly becoming. And in order for it to develop in a new and good way and for the souls to have their experiences, all kinds of experiences are needed on this planet. And one of the most important aspects that keeps cropping up is that of the Christ energy and the loving energy of this incarnation that was here on this planet, but that was not only in this incarnation, but that keeps cropping up from the divine levels to set an impulse at certain times in the world. Because with all the stories you experience around the various religious leaders and beings who have incarnated here to manifest themselves, to put something into the blueprint of this world, to bring in some energy that goes back to the origins, to the original creative power, to the love energy that connects everything and holds everything together, that these energies are brought in again and again when the earth, the world, has pushed them out, they have been forgotten, there is a longing of the souls to feel them again and it works like a homeopathic dose, so to speak, when this energy is put into the atmosphere and into the energy field of the earth so that it can be reshaped.
And with all the formations that then take place, the love of the Christ energy is the decisive factor, the love that really connects everything with one another, that knows no good or bad, but simply is, just like the divine is, which is the origin of all that lives.
And so this level of divine love has been given to the earth again and again as an impulse from the divine structure in order to renew and lovingly strengthen the creative power on the planet. This is something that happens in cycles over and over again on the planet. And so with the last impulse that came to earth you called this impulse the "Christ energy" and you created a religion that developed around it and that naturally connected with everything human that is on earth and thus also took on a different face than it originally had and went down various wrong paths and errors that no longer had much to do with the origin of the vaccination, so to speak, with the love energy, but developed independently.
And at the same time this impulse of love energy has always remained. It has always remained pure and has never been watered down. Only religions and views, opinions and attitudes that humanity gives itself can be watered down, but the impulse of the love energy that was given to the world by Christ is always pure and remains so. And so anyone who concentrates on this energy and goes into meditation or into a connection with it can absorb the pure love and feel it within themselves if he or she wants to. If you open yourself up to this power, you will be touched in a special way and this touch can change you.
I am the "I am". I am St. Germain.
Higher Dimensions - Channeling from St. Germain
I am the "I am". I am St. Germain. I greet you most warmly.
The questions about the dimensions are difficult for the human mind to answer because energies and conditions play a role here that cannot be understood so well with the human mind and cannot be explained so well with human words as would be necessary in order to achieve a full understanding. It is the case that the vibrational differences become ever finer, approaching the divine ever closer to absolute being, and in this being things then arise as if by themselves, and the personal individuality of the individual being becomes more and more like the divine and is no longer so clearly comprehensible in the dimensions above the seventh. And thus the ranks of the archangels, the ranks of the higher spiritual world rulers and other levels arise here, in which the divine expresses itself once again and develops in subtle vibrations that are significantly higher than those of the 7th dimension. The effects are more comparable to the effects of your energies in the homeopathic medicines that you know on Earth and which have a potential effect, so to speak, and develop a potency that then continues to express itself and expand into the lower dimensions, and where there are then receivers who absorb these energies, pass them on and develop them further and, so to speak, express the Divine Will down into the lower dimensions. And that is something that happens in this form, over and over again. It is a constant process of becoming and passing away, of developing and emerging anew and at the same time of dying and ceasing, so that here it cannot be said exactly: here one ends and here the other begins. It is a pervasive process of development. That is how I would explain it for the human mind today.
Questions and answers about Jesus and Higher Dimensions
(mhs:) What has Jesus Sananda done in the 3rd dimension since his death? Since when has he been in the 7th dimension?
(St. Germain:) Part of his being was already in the 5th dimension when he was still in earthly life. And this part of his being, which already had a strong connection to the divine, then developed further with the help of the other beings around him and he arrived in the 7th dimension relatively quickly.
(mhs:) Is the 12th dimension the highest dimension or are there others?
(St. Germain:) From the 12th dimension onwards there is actually only pure being.
(mhs:) And the Archangel Michael is in the 12th dimension – primarily?
(St. Germain:) Yes. The archangels as a whole are in the higher dimensions, and here there is a way of being in which it can no longer be clearly said: is this still Archangel Michael or is this already God himself and Being itself? Here the levels are no longer as clearly delimitable from one another as on the lower levels.
(mhs:) Was the "beaming" technique (known from Star Trek) researched in Atlantis?
(St. Germain:) That did not exist in the way you are describing it. What did exist and still exists is that people who have developed a great deal can export their subtle body, so to speak, from their body vessel, and condense this subtle body again in another place on earth so that it can be seen and that it can also act. That means that people who have a high spiritual potential, who are already close to the 5th dimension, so to speak, are able to duplicate themselves and look like matter in another place.
(mhs:) Does that mean Jesus could do that too?
(St. Germain:) Yes.
(mhs:) Do I have Archangel Michael as a companion and if so, for how many years?
(St. Germain:) You have had him as a companion for so long that you call him and feel his presence.
(mhs:) I call him every day...
(St. Germain:) Yes, I know. It's just like that: this invocation is always a connection, always. And sometimes this connection also happens from the spiritual world to the human being. But as a rule you are the ones who call us and the moment you do that you establish the connection, in a spiritual way.
(mhs:) Were there incarnations of the current Christ energy in Atlantis and Lemuria?
(St. Germain:) No, there weren't. There were other forces, other energies that played a role here. But it was not the one who was here on earth 2000 years ago. There were other forms of energy and other entities that are also comparable to today's masters and archangels, and they were called something different back then, although they carried similar energies within them.
(mhs:) In the solar system where we are now, are all the inhabitants in the 5th dimension or higher except on earth, right?
(St. Germain:) No. It is more the case that entities are not only on other planets that are in the 5th dimension, but they also exist on earth and in the earth. They are just in a form of existence that is not visible to you.
{All of the above channelings from St. Germain by Gerold Voß (}