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Pyramids - Traces of Atlantis | Channeling by St. Germain

​“I am the ‘I am’. I am St. Germain. And I greet you most warmly.

These questions that you are asking me are questions that many researchers who want to go deeper and delve into the secrets of the past in order to draw conclusions for the future are asking themselves, an important prerequisite. It is good that research is not only being carried out in the direction that archaeologists have always done, but it is good to look ever deeper and see: “Where are the origins? Where are the origins of what still exists here as a sign on earth?” And one thing in advance:

It is true that at the time of the fall of Atlantis, people from this region, especially people who were equipped with high technical and spiritual knowledge, left early on to go to parts of the world where safe survival is possible. And the traces of these beings who came from Atlantis have spread all over the world. And today you see in many, many advanced civilizations and also in cultures that have disappeared, pyramids that are either still very well preserved or not so well preserved. And depending on how strong the knowledge and possibilities were that people brought with them from Atlantis, the pyramids were represented better or worse in their form and also implemented in their function. And in the great pyramids of the Egyptian plains you will experience again and again that they were there so that people could have a deeper experience, a deeper experience, an initiation experience into the divine being that they themselves are, in order to draw conclusions from this and experience an expansion of their consciousness. That was basically one of the most important things why these pyramids were built, to transfer the divine energy that is everywhere to people in such a way that an expansion of consciousness takes place and an initiation, so to speak, becomes possible in people. This technical level that is here is a level that is also very strongly connected to the spiritual forces that have to do with the gravitational field of the earth and that also have to do with the cosmic influences that act on this pyramid and the influences of cosmic radiation and the earth's resonance play a key role here in the center of the pyramid, where the initiation chambers were. The knowledge of this has since been lost and the deepest knowledge that can be put into practice is not available on earth at the moment. But it was available at the time and for this reason people were repeatedly initiated there too in order to continue to receive the great abilities that were saved from Atlantis for a while. But history shows that what was preserved was increasingly watered down. And the dilution of the truths and the spiritual levels that played a role here then led to the fact that even advanced civilizations like Egypt, which had their origins in the past of Atlantis, so to speak, passed away more and more and then no longer played a role in a later future. The legacy of Atlantis is spread all over the earth, so to speak, but it also has, depending on which builders from Atlantis landed where, a different aspect in the knowledge of the cosmic and earthly connections and also the spiritual connections that play a role, so that not all buildings had the same function, but there were many, many differences. The angular functions and also the calculations of the various pyramid shapes had their special orientation and purpose for each individual pyramid, which arose from the spiritual levels and also from the highest scientific mathematical calculations. So I can tell you that the area is actually such that Atlantis left its mark on the world here and many things will continue to be researched later. Even that which concerns the spiritual aspect of the whole.

I am the "I am". I am St. Germain.”

{Channeling of St. Germain by Gerold Voß on June 1st, 2022 (excerpt) -}

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