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Kathedralencitrin, Amethyst und Bergkristallkugel

Daily plan (suggestion)

1. get up in the morning: shower with white light, ground yourself and protect yourself

Feel all muscles while half asleep. Sit up. Ground yourself well by imagining brown roots growing through the pelvis to the center of the earth. Visualize protection: A rock crystal pyramid over the entire body up to half a meter into the ground is most effective.

Rock crystal pyramid with angel

3. resolutions for the day

A good daily resolution is, for example, the sentences:

"I speak only what is true, loving and necessary. The angel of the creative word guides me."

You can also say these words mentally or aloud in the morning at the edge of the bed.

Rock crystall

5. intercession to the spiritual helpers

There are countless spiritual helpers on, above and also below the earth in the various dimensions of being. This intercession is addressed as a summary to all of them.

Rosenquarz für den Garten

7. movement exercises

Today, especially in the western world, a lot of time is spent sitting. You don't have to know chi gong to give your body some relaxation. But a few minutes of simple exercises such as standing and stretching the arms upwards 12 times each, swinging them down sideways, arm circles backwards and forwards and pelvic circles can be done by almost everyone.


9. laugh

Intense laughter that shakes the diaphragm is important for health. We live more happily and have a longer life expectancy if we find things that make us laugh at least once a day. It's not for nothing that there are clown doctors for hospitals who can make younger patients in particular laugh.


2. affirmations in the morning - placed on the edge of the bed

The spiritual helpers are happy to help, but you should also ask them to do so, because angelic beings do not usually interfere with people's free will. Even our own ego likes to cooperate at some point if it is regularly asked to do so.

The three most important crystals

4. oil cure

Gargling oils in the morning not only reduces tooth decay and bad breath, it is also effective against more than a dozen diseases and improves the quality of sleep. The oil cure can be done once a year for 3-4 weeks. Those who swallow easily should take coconut oil.


6. earth meditation

It is important to offer spiritual help to others who may not be doing so well. The Earth Meditation was received for this purpose in this form around 1994 by the medium Magrit Siegl, Breitenbrunn (died 2010). Those who cannot spare money for donations, e.g. to crisis regions, can also help very well with this meditation.

Kathedralencitrin, Amethyst und Bergkristallkugel

8. singing

Daily chanting has many benefits, for example it strengthens the lungs. The author of these lines currently sings the Gayatri Mantra and "Om Namo Bhagavate" by Deva Premal every day. Taizé chants, for example, are also beneficial. Those who cannot sing should at least hum or whistle, this also increases the joy of life.


10. affirmations in the evening - placed on the edge of the bed

After asking for help and cooperation in the morning, it is always beneficial to give thanks at the end of the day. It is not a matter of course to be allowed to live on this planet at present; life in the 3rd dimension is a very rare privilege in the cosmos. A "meaningful day" comes to an end with this thanks.

Pyramide aus Kupferrohren

The film "Groundhog Day" with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell should be mentioned as the inspiration for "A day that makes much sense". It is a successful parable on the subject of rebirth and has been praised by many Buddhists as well as Christians.

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