I greet the spiritual helpers of the earth, first and foremost
Archangel Metatron, Archangel Gabriel,
Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael
and Archangel Uriel.
I greet the Christ energy.
I greet the representatives of the mineral kingdom in this house,
in this town, in this country, on this continent and
on and under the earth.
I greet the powers, thrones and authorities,
the seraphim, cherubim and dominions
on, above and under the earth.
I greet my personal spiritual helpers and
especially my guardian angel.
I greet the angel princes of Europe, Asia, Africa,
Australia and New Zealand, of
North America, South America,
Antarctica and the oceans.
I greet the Ascended Masters and Guardians of the Twelve Divine Rays:
Sanat Kumara, Hilarion, St. Germain,
Lady Nada, Lady Rowena, Kuthumi, Confucius,
Jesus Sananda, El Morya, Paolo the Venetian or Maha Cohan,
Serapis Bey and Maitreya.
I greet the other angel princes, archangels and angels of the earth.
And I greet the other spiritual helpers on, above and under the earth,
who were not mentioned by name here
and ask all the spiritual entities mentioned,
the Christ energy and
the representatives of the mineral kingdom
for support, help, protection and guidance
in my thoughts, words and actions.
Finally, I greet the Lord who watches over everything.
I thank in advance, afterwards and in the Eternal Now.
{© Michael Hannes Schefberger. May be translated into all languages with reference to the author.}
Intercession to the Spiritual Helpers (short version, Nov. 2024)
I greet the spiritual helpers of the earth,
first of all the highest archangels.
I greet the powers, thrones and authorities,
the seraphim, cherubim and dominions.
I greet my personal spiritual helpers.
I greet the angelic princes of the continents and seas.
I greet the representatives of the mineral kingdom.
I greet the Ascended Masters and Guardians of the Divine Rays.
I greet the other Angelic Princes, Archangels and Angels.
And I greet all other spiritual Helpers,
who have not been mentioned here
and ask all the beings mentioned
for support, help, protection and guidance
in my thoughts, words and actions.
Finally, I greet the Lord who watches over everything.
I thank in advance, in retrospect and in the Eternal Now.
(Author: Michael)