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Just about everyone in the world believes in guardian angels. I intend to deepen this already existing faith - the foundation of or the change to a new religion are not necessary at all. For this purpose, among other things, I put videos on the net, which can be very effective aids for the spiritual development of people, if their contents are applied. Info: Clicking on the photos sometimes calls up YouTube videos whose subtitles can be translated into other languages using the settings.

Kupferrohrpyramide 2,4 m hoch



Pyramids are the heritage of Atlantis. With the right dimensions and aligned in a northerly direction, they can quickly bring the people around them forward in the spiritual and also energize water to the maximum within three days.

2. Intercession to the

Spiritual Helpers of the Earth

Belief in angels or guardian spirits is widespread. This intercession can help intensify it.

Bergkristall-Druse fürs Fensterbrett
Jesus - Teil einer Ikone

3. The Christ Energy

    and higher dimensions

There is an Ascended Master named Jesus Sananda who is currently in the 7th dimension lives and works. Jesus is in charge of the magenta ray of universal love. Especially Christians should study this master more closely.


Earth meditation

Meditation is a suitable supplement or alternative to prayer and intercession. "Thought power is creative power, and so keep your focus on the good of all."

Kathedralencitrin, Amethyst und Bergkristallkugel


Live Consciously

If you want to live consciously from getting up in the morning to going to bed at the end of the day, you will do so with so-called affirmations lighter.



Breathing in also means "inspiration". If you consciously breathe in and out deeply and take longer pauses for breath in between, you raise your vibration in the simplest way and reduce too many thoughts.

Bergkristallpyramide mit Engel
Spitzen von Bergkristall, Amethyst und Rosenquarz


Set up a meditation place

Rock crystal, amethyst and rose quartz are well suited for meditation rooms, they support awareness.


Energy work through the heart

All humans have subtle energy vortices - chakras that provide energy to the body. It is important to connect them to the heart.

Bergkristallkugel in der Hand


The world in your hand

We all have our destiny in our hands. It only takes a little rethinking in Europe to improve the situation significantly, at least here, in the near future.



There are basically only nine character fixations, all of which are described in the Enneagram. Anyone who has found out what type of character he or she is would do well to choose the appropriate ones opportunities for self-development view and implement.


11. Commuting - The connection

with your own intuition

Anyone who is sensitive can commute with training and a lot of mental self-discipline. With the pendulum you can establish a closer connection with your own intuition.


"You are what you eat - and drink"

As a teenager, Greta Thunberg convinced her family to eat a vegan diet in the future. Adults don't need meat or fish to live a healthy life. Especially with buffered vitamin C, algae oil drops, B vitamins and butter, no physical or psychological problems are to be expected in the long term with a good, varied food plan. Women can take additional iron supplements if needed.

The occasional consumption of dairy products and eggs is sometimes sensible, but one should be guided by intuition and not categorically reject everything that is not vegan. For example, beef soups are grounding and chicken soups are rich in zinc. Vegan cravings for meat or fish are often an indication of the lack of important raw materials necessary for the body. In my experience, I eat poultry meat once a year as a last resort.

Mineral deficiency affects health faster than vitamin deficiency. The various colouring substances in fruits and vegetables - flavonoids - are currently underestimated by most people in their effect: lack of colour is often a cause of diseases, which is why one should consume every colour (also blue: berries and purple: red cabbage) per week.

The freshwater alga chlorella is very versatile. It is approved as a food in Japan, where it is mixed into noodles, for example, and consumed by the ton every year. Chlorella acts as a natural elimination agent for heavy metal contamination and is an excellent source of minerals and vitamins.

The renunciation of pork is laid down in some religions, and for Hindus cows are sacred, they are officially not allowed to be slaughtered by them.

Pregnant women and growing children in Europe should better not abstain from poultry or fish, otherwise this can be unfavourable for their physical development.

In general, it can be said that humanity currently living on earth could survive well with a much smaller number of farm animals. The change in diet can be difficult for some at first, but the effort is worth it. People will live healthier lives afterwards and produce much less carbon dioxide from their diets than before, which can massively curb global warming. This aspect is currently the most significant.

Consuming water placed under or directly next to a pyramid for three days is particularly beneficial for all humans (and also animals and plants). But for this we need many more properly proportioned and graded pyramids on earth - see this page: at the top. This goal can be achieved with little material and financial effort, in many indoor spaces and also in some flat gardens protected from vandalism.


This last article is not "short and sweet", but that was necessary.

At some point, all countries will stop killing people.
Then people will also stop killing animals.

St. Germain by Michael Hannes Schefberger, 13-02-2025

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Copyright © 1998-2025 Michael Hannes Schefberger - Eisenstadt, Austria, Europe

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